Author: Heath

  • Waiting, Pt. 5

    Waiting, Pt. 5

    Part 1 is HerePart 2 is HerePart 3 is HerePart 4 is Here You draw your sword and rush to the ramp leading up onto the ship. You won’t let your men face this threat alone.  Your heart is hammering in your chest, and it’s not the exertion of the run. Terror grips you at…

  • Waiting, Pt. 4

    Waiting, Pt. 4

    Part 1 is Here.Part 2 is Here.Part 3 is Here. “We can’t get into another fight now.”  You spoke as the thought came to you. You couldn’t fight an entire horde of those creatures, and if that was what was coming over the hill in your direction, you wouldn’t stand a chance.  It would better…

  • Waiting, Pt. 3

    Waiting, Pt. 3

    Part 1 HERE.Part 2 HERE. “Kindle, wait here.  Vella and I are going forward to see this fellow coming down the road.  If anything seems amiss I’ll dip my torch twice quickly. If I do that, I want you to run back down to the camp as fast as you can and tell them to…

  • Waiting Pt. 2

    Waiting Pt. 2

    Part 1 is HERE. “Fine, if there are no volunteers it’ll be Vella, Kindle and myself.”  You sigh and shake your head. It’s important the men respect you, and besides, getting up and moving might help you warm up some.  At least that is what you tell yourself as you move away from the fire…

  • Warden’s Fall

    Warden’s Fall

    Book 3 of the Tyranny Cycle is now ready for print and can be had from Amazon. If you’ve been waiting to get a print copy, I am prepared to take your money now! >:D Well, mostly Amazon is ready to take your money, but they throw me some change. ALSO, do not forget…

  • Waiting pt. 1

    Waiting pt. 1

    The winter wind came in off the river and cut its way through the trees, causing your campfire to flicker and thrash at the air as though fighting to live.  You draw your cloak more tightly about your shoulders and lean a little closer to the golden glow of the struggling flame. The cold still…

  • A Quick Word From Your Writer

    A Quick Word From Your Writer

    Facebook is seriously putting the pressure on for me to update. Facebook: You haven’t talked to all those people who like you in a while. There are 144 people who haven’t heard from you. What if they’re worried? What if they’re sad because you don’t talk to them? Why do you hate your fans?! You’re…

  • A Series of Unfortunate EXISTENCE

    A Series of Unfortunate EXISTENCE

    Sorry for the delay on giveaway stuff, folks. It has been a busy week, and the computer I use for all of my graphical work no longer loads into Windows, which means I’ve lost a great deal of graphical assets and the tools I use to produce them. We had a power outtage earlier this…

  • Giveaway Time!

    Giveaway Time!

    The time has come, my friends!  I know it has taken us a little while to get here, but I’m ready to give out some of the new books.  I’m really excited to share the new material with as many people as I can.  Here is what is on offer: – 5 copies of the…

  • Warden’s Will Audiobook Ready!

    Warden’s Will Audiobook Ready!

    Warden’s Will is ready for you to listen to!  The book is now available through Audible and will be available through Amazon in the near future.  I’ve listened to it and it is an excellent reading.  You’re going to be very happy with this one, folks! The book is ready by the lovely, talented, Amy…