Chaos Awakens


Servant of Steel

Having two of his fingers cut off at an early age hadn’t done much to make Xandrith an agreeable fellow. Besides marking him as a pariah and having him shunned by even his own family, it had also hurt. A lot. Being stripped of a few of his fingers and cast out of the Order of Mages had left him bitter and angry, but if there was any consolation to be had it was that he was doing rather well in his new line of work. While perforating people for money might not have been the most noble of callings, it was quite lucrative. Well, it had been quite lucrative.

In a conspiracy of fate seemingly beyond his control, Xan soon finds himself facing a dilemma of conscience, and that isn’t something he’s familiar with. One dilemma leads to another, and before long the mage-turned-assassin finds himself performing more and more honorable deeds. Worse yet, without even attempting to do so he manages to acquire friends and to develop a sense of compassion.

As Xan struggles with his burgeoning humanity, a terrible darkness begins to wake in the world. The Order of Mages, once an overbearing power of control, seems to be losing its grip as a terrifying doom of their own creation rises in the north. As if that wasn’t enough, the horror brought upon the world by the folly of the mages may only be the precursor to something far more sinister.  $2.99




Crown of Steel

The world is falling into chaos. The trolls, humanities long cursed brothers, are rising from the holes they were driven into, and a vile plague is decimating the human population. Xandrith, the unlikely but determined hero, has gone missing, and hope is dwindling day by day.

Meanwhile, Haley, Xandrith’s apprentice, is growing frustrated at her mentor’s continued absence. She fears the worst, but none of her companions seem willing to do anything. She soon realizes that if she doesn’t take matters into her own hands she may never find her mentor again, and without Xan what will become of the world? Determined to force action from those around her, Haley confronts them only to unwittingly uncover a dark secret.

Haley and Kassa soon find themselves set upon a dangerous road, drawn together by their shared affection for a lost friend. Hope seems a distant memory, and the future is far from certain. Their journey will take them through the magic ways of the Fae and to a city cursed to darkness by its own rulers. Will they find a way to end the encroaching destruction, or will they succumb to it themselves?  $2.99




City of Steel

The world of men is crashing to an end. Xandrith has been stricken down, his body and mind corrupted in his attempt to gather aid for his world, and his friends have been lost, cast to the winds amidst the turmoil. What hope remains when all the land is crawling with darkness, and the few remaining survivors have been driven deep into the metallic clutches of man’s last standing fortress? Only the City of Steel remains, and all eyes have fallen on this last bastion of sanity, but can it withstand the rage of the troll’s god? Find out in City of Steel, the sequel to Crown of Steel and Servant of Steel, and the final novel in the Chaos Awakens trilogy. $2.99


Chaos Awakens Trilogy

Having two of his fingers cut off at an early age hadn’t done much to make Xandrith an agreeable fellow. Besides marking him as a pariah and having him shunned by even his own family, it had also hurt. A lot. Being stripped of a few of his fingers and cast out of the Order of Mages had left him bitter and angry, but if there was any consolation to be had it was that he was doing rather well in his new line of work. While perforating people for money might not have been the most noble of callings, it was quite lucrative. Well, it had been quite lucrative.

In a conspiracy of fate seemingly beyond his control, Xan soon finds himself facing a dilemma of conscience, and that isn’t something he’s familiar with. One dilemma leads to another, and before long the mage-turned-assassin finds himself performing more and more honorable deeds. Worse yet, without even attempting to do so he manages to acquire friends and to develop a sense of compassion.

As Xan struggles with his burgeoning humanity, a terrible darkness begins to wake in the world. The Order of Mages, once an overbearing power of control, seems to be losing its grip as a terrifying doom of their own creation rises in the north. As if that wasn’t enough, the horror brought upon the world by the folly of the mages may only be the precursor to something far more sinister.  $6.99


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