Category: General Update

  • A Quick Word From Your Writer

    A Quick Word From Your Writer

    Facebook is seriously putting the pressure on for me to update. Facebook: You haven’t talked to all those people who like you in a while. There are 144 people who haven’t heard from you. What if they’re worried? What if they’re sad because you don’t talk to them? Why do you hate your fans?! You’re…

  • A Series of Unfortunate EXISTENCE

    A Series of Unfortunate EXISTENCE

    Sorry for the delay on giveaway stuff, folks. It has been a busy week, and the computer I use for all of my graphical work no longer loads into Windows, which means I’ve lost a great deal of graphical assets and the tools I use to produce them. We had a power outtage earlier this…

  • Audio Book Almost Done!

    Audio Book Almost Done!

    The audiobook version of Warden’s Will is technically done now!  We’re finalizing the product for sale and I’ll update you guys when it’s available for order through Audible!  Amy Landon has done awesome work, and she has been great to work with.  You guys are going to love it! HeathCats.  Cats everywhere.  I guess this…

  • Book Release Imminent!

    Book Release Imminent!

    I’ll keep this brief so as not to bore you folks, but the new book is almost upon us!  I received the proof of the print copy today and it looks good, so we’re going ahead with publication.  I’ll be posting links as soon as they’re live, but the second book is finally ready!  …

  • Editing Finished

    Editing Finished

    Today I finished the final edit of Book II of the Tyranny Cycle, AKA The Will and the Way.  I’m working on finalizing the file formats and making sure things are as tidy as I can make them with the intention of releasing the new novel as soon as it’s ready to publish.  This means…

  • A Difficult Road

    A Difficult Road

    Things haven’t been easy here lately.  I just recently had to have my sweet old cat, Lillith, put down.  She’d been my friend for over twelve years, and gave her name (in part) to my latest protagonist, Lillin.  Saying goodbye to her has been terrible, and the depression that came afterward has lingered and made…

  • Current Status

    Current Status

    Today I got Warden’s Will cleared to start a new production for the Audio Book, so I’ll be working on getting that set and going again.  Hopefully you guys won’t have to wait too much longer for a release.  I’m sorry it couldn’t be done faster, but sometimes things fall through no matter how badly…

  • Status Update

    Status Update

    Alright, I have some more news to share today.  The website is fully operational again. is back online, as is the associated e-mail address.  It took a bit longer than I would have liked, but now things should be working as intended. Unfortunately that’s the good news, and all good news must come with…

  • A Facebook Update

    A Facebook Update

    Horror Fantasy – The Fiction of Heath Pfaff Writing Update: Book 2 – getting ready for the second editing pass. Trying to make a cover. It’s not going well. Book 3 – about 1/4 – 1/3rd finished. NEW BOOK PROJECT – tentatively started, though the success of the current series will dictate whether it gets…