Warden’s Will is ready for you to listen to! The book is now available through Audible and will be available through Amazon in the near future. I’ve listened to it and it is an excellent reading. You’re going to be very happy with this one, folks!
The book is ready by the lovely, talented, Amy Landon. She has voiced books for Mercedes Lackey and L.E. Modesitt Jr, and I am more than honored to have her working on these stories with me.
You can learn more about Amy at her website, and her fan page here on face:
Not only is she a great person to work with, but she is just great in general. It has been a real pleasure.
Special thanks to Paul McSorely for bringing us together in the first place. He’s a great guy.
It has been a really long road to get here. I’m sorry it took so much time, but the end result was worth the wait. I want to thank all of you who have stuck around, and all of you who have encouraged me to keep going even in bad times. Writing books is worth it because you are here. I love that I get to share my stories.
Thanks to everyone.
The books can be found here:

Cats. Cats everywhere. I guess this is my life now. At least it’s soft and warm.