Category: Audio Book

  • Warden’s Will Audiobook Ready!

    Warden’s Will Audiobook Ready!

    Warden’s Will is ready for you to listen to!  The book is now available through Audible and will be available through Amazon in the near future.  I’ve listened to it and it is an excellent reading.  You’re going to be very happy with this one, folks! The book is ready by the lovely, talented, Amy…

  • Audio Book Almost Done!

    Audio Book Almost Done!

    The audiobook version of Warden’s Will is technically done now!  We’re finalizing the product for sale and I’ll update you guys when it’s available for order through Audible!  Amy Landon has done awesome work, and she has been great to work with.  You guys are going to love it! HeathCats.  Cats everywhere.  I guess this…

  • Editing Finished

    Editing Finished

    Today I finished the final edit of Book II of the Tyranny Cycle, AKA The Will and the Way.  I’m working on finalizing the file formats and making sure things are as tidy as I can make them with the intention of releasing the new novel as soon as it’s ready to publish.  This means…

  • Audio Book News!

    Audio Book News!

    Hey friends and fans! Today I have some excellent news to share.  It has been a bit of an uphill battle to get here, but I am very excited to announce that Warden’s Will has found a new voice for Lillin.  Though there were many good auditions, I think we found our heroine in Amy Landon…