Today I finished the final edit of Book II of the Tyranny Cycle, AKA The Will and the Way. I’m working on finalizing the file formats and making sure things are as tidy as I can make them with the intention of releasing the new novel as soon as it’s ready to publish. This means it should be available for purchase some time in the next week.
I’m sorry for the time it took to get this finished. Life has been hectic, but mostly the delay was in me procrastinating on the editing end of things. Editing is my least favorite chore.
In other update news, the Audiobook for Warden’s Will, narrated by Amy Landon, will be going through production very soon (if it hasn’t started yet). I’m incredibly excited to hear the final results! Landon has read for some amazing authors in the past, like Mercedes Lackey and L.E. Modesitt Jr. I know she’ll be a great voice for Lillin. I really can’t express my excitement enough.
Book III is about 3/4 of the way through it’s first draft. I’ll be working on that full time as soon as this current book is released, and I’ll also be running that giveaway I mentioned in my last update. I wanted to time things out a bit differently, but I’m not really good at the publicizing part of this business . . . in case you couldn’t tell yet.
I’ll be looking forward to hearing your thoughts on the new book, and I hope you’ll all take the time to leave a review on amazon once you’ve had a chance to read it!
Well wishes,

Cats. Cats everywhere. I guess this is my life now. At least it’s soft and warm.