Things haven’t been easy here lately. I just recently had to have my sweet old cat, Lillith, put down. She’d been my friend for over twelve years, and gave her name (in part) to my latest protagonist, Lillin. Saying goodbye to her has been terrible, and the depression that came afterward has lingered and made it difficult to stay focused.
Those who don’t keep pets may find it hard to understand how close the bond is to these strange little friends of ours, but I assure you it is crushing to lose someone you spent almost every day with for so long. I no longer get to see her basking in the morning sun coming through the window when I wake, and I’ll never get to hear her little song when she’s happy and playing with her toys. I’ll never get to hug her again and listen to her purr until she gives herself the hiccups.
I’ll miss you Lil’
Alright, sad things aside, I wanted to let you know that I am still working. I promise my new book will be out before Patrick Rothfuss’ new novel (I joke, Pat is an awesome guy). Things were slow for the last week or so, but I’m working. Editing is coming along on Book 2, and Book 3 is about 3/4 of the way finished I think. That is good progress.
While you wait for books to get finished, I plan on giving out some handmade key chains here shortly. I’m finalizing the designs on them. They’ll be hand stitched leather featuring designs from the books. Eventually they’ll be for sale on an Etsy store I’m going to setup, but for now I’m going to give away three custom ones. Details will come fully in the next update.

Cats. Cats everywhere. I guess this is my life now. At least it’s soft and warm.