Horror Fantasy – The Fiction of Heath Pfaff
Writing Update:
Book 2 – getting ready for the second editing pass. Trying to make a cover. It’s not going well.
Book 3 – about 1/4 – 1/3rd finished.
NEW BOOK PROJECT – tentatively started, though the success of the current series will dictate whether it gets finished. The working title is Wrath of the Mountain
Short Story Project – I’ve started working on the first story. I’ll finish this collection whether or not I end up finishing my other projects. If nothing else it’ll be a nice cap to the writing thing (that has occupied the last 17 years of my life XD).
Other News:
The new web page is coming along alright. If GoDaddy would ever release my original domain to the new registar I’d get it all switched over, but they’ve been sitting on it for over a week now. :/
I’m considering running some other content on the site, maybe movie/game/book reviews from the horror and fantasy genre. It would just be fun little articles, but I figure I might as well do something with the web space .
That’s the update! Thanks for listening. 🙂
The new and still painfully bad website:
edit 2:
Sorry for the reposts! Trying to work out the sync between the website and facebook! I think I have it this time.
More info @ http://ift.tt/2BW59EN
Automated post from Heath Pfaff – http://ift.tt/2BW5do1
February 13, 2018 at 07:35PM

Cats. Cats everywhere. I guess this is my life now. At least it’s soft and warm.