Category: Call to action!

  • Giveaway Time!

    Giveaway Time!

    The time has come, my friends!  I know it has taken us a little while to get here, but I’m ready to give out some of the new books.  I’m really excited to share the new material with as many people as I can.  Here is what is on offer: – 5 copies of the…

  • Book Out! (LINKS INSIDE)

    Book Out!  (LINKS INSIDE)

    This is it, guys.  The book is now officially released!  The digital copy is up for sale RIGHT NOW, and the paperback should be up very, very soon.  I am told that it can take 3-5 days to become available in other (outside the USA) countries, and if that is the case I apologize in…

  • Current Status

    Current Status

    Today I got Warden’s Will cleared to start a new production for the Audio Book, so I’ll be working on getting that set and going again.  Hopefully you guys won’t have to wait too much longer for a release.  I’m sorry it couldn’t be done faster, but sometimes things fall through no matter how badly…