For those who may have missed it, or were putting it off until later, TODAY is t…

For those who may have missed it, or were putting it off until later, TODAY is the last day to sign up for your free copy of the Servant of Steel pre-release e-book. Don't miss out! Details at the link below:

The Hungering Saga
Alright guys! This is it. It's not quite ready yet, but if you'd like to be in on the FREE early release of Chaos Awakens Book 1: Servant of Steel, now is the time! You'll be reading a first-pass edit of the book, so it won't necessarily be perfect, but it will be free so you don't get to complain! WHAT YOU NEED TO DO: 1. Promise you'll write a review on Amazon when the book releases. Honestly, I'm not going to hunt you down to make sure you do this, but it would be doing me a BIG favor. Your reviews help me sell books, which gives me the money I need to sustain until I can put out another book. I'll post a reminder about it after the