This is my latest post from the Facebook fan page. I just wanted to get all my fans on the same page as far as how things are going with the books and life in general.
Finished with Alpha distribution of the new book and am hammering out some details on the (first) audio book at the moment. There is a distinct possibility that we’ll be switching producers, which isn’t really the news I want to deliver this late in the book’s life, but I’m running out of options real quick on that one.
I’m ramping up for another editing pass at Book 2, waiting for a few more pieces of feedback before I kick into it at full swing. Book 3 is about a third of the way finished, and I believe it’s coming along well.
I’ve been pretty busy lately. The website is switching to new (cheaper) servers since I can’t really afford to keep it running where it is at the moment, and honestly it’s just a mirror of this page so it’s not precisely dire that I don’t break it. I am really good at breaking my website. We’ll be keeping the domain name, though I’ve added a new domain that will be landing at the same location. is the new addition to our collection. It was free with the new host. We also have, and, as well as the old address. Most of them I bought on sale from google last year. I’m aware I don’t have one for Tyranny Cycle/Will and the Way. Even cheap domains cost something, and I couldn’t buy them all.
Recently book sales have been pretty bad, so I’m trying to figure out how I can keep putting out material and still get by. You may have noticed I haven’t done a good giveaway in a long time, and that’s because I simply don’t have the money to do so. The term “royalties” has never been so light on the “royal” part. Hah!
There is a possibility that I won’t be putting out another series after we finish Lillin’s story. I’m trying to decide whether to throw in the towel entirely, or to shop out the next series to publishers and agents. I haven’t done that circuit in a while. It’s a emotionally draining experience. I’m the type that is easily discouraged, so piles of rejection letters really shake me up.
The truth is, though, that I can’t keep doing this forever. I can’t afford an editor, a cover artist, or promotion any more. I am doing it all myself. Poorly. Each new series sells less and less, and I really can’t make it without help. I don’t want to stop writing because I’m honestly not good at much else, but I’m going to have to look for a new way.
That all said, I’m going to try and finish Lillin’s story. She is one of my favorite characters so far, and I love her world. I want to finish telling this one, and I really want to take you wonderful folks with me. I wouldn’t have been able to do this even as long as I have without all of you.
Talking to you, and sharing my stories with you has been one of the highlights of my life. Thanks for listening! I’ll keep you updated on things as we go forward, and I should have some copies of the audiobooks to give out when they finally land.

Cats. Cats everywhere. I guess this is my life now. At least it’s soft and warm.